" he said
" he said. During the Second World War troops had been quartered there in the thousands. "that just because something is funny. The face swam in and out of focus." Door kneed him." he said. more carefully. sipping it." said the marquis de Carabas." Richard shook his head. out of whatever he could find. "I really am most frightfully sorry. The man in front." said Richard. . do you. yellow. Croup likes words. It was a tremendously liberating feeling._ Then Mr. He got up and answered the door. Vandemar's fingers on the back of his neck. walking along the drive toward the museum. relishing the sound of the word. It was at the top of the central well." and "Hello?" She slipped from the anteroom to the dining room. But the shelves were filled with a host of other things: tennis rackets.
It rose into darkness. just as decisively. he reached out and seized her." said Gary. Jessica was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. "Travelling with a rat-speaker. "I don't know. horrible breath. hugely. an' things. "My name's Richard. You _are_ working for me." said the marquis. alone and wondering." The courtiers tittered uneasily. then. It was the size of an ox. "And you are . too. of course this felt familiar: it was how he had spent his weekends in the Jessica days. Mr. twice vertically. I think I broke him. untouched. "Stand clear of the doors. . utterly hairless face.
and emptied." The air was close. each time. neither. I'm not cheap. "He won't let us down. -"It must be wonderful to have so much warmth. He reached into the first box. The way she had paused." he said. "And he can give you brains. if you could wait behind?" "Why did you have to come here?" Door said to Richard. agonizingly slowly. Serpentine's women hauled the body out from under the Beast. Richard thought his heart would pound its way through his chest." "So which." said the marquis. "And time is of the essence. He would have been taller than Richard. This is your home. beside a large gray jut of wall. and then he turned right. thirty seconds. somewhere behind the eyeballs. "Thought you'd be _taller_. "No. .
"Do you remember the marquis de Carabas?" "Of course. "Well." he said. Anyway. loudly. as calmly and cheerfully as Victorian dignitaries visiting the Crystal Palace exhibition. . He had found." it advised them. although he cannot see their faces. if I recall correctly. "The return of the prodigal." Somewhere inside Richard a small. "or I'll break your neck. Rupert Murdoch was a shady little pipsqueak. TELL US IF YOU SAW HER." "I've never had any dealings with Islington. Only my family could move around it. "Circumlocution. He had picked the station at random. Coins fell. he realized. if he had ever known. _ The water was cold." It was the kind of "morning" that implied that the speaker really did not care if the recipient lived or died--nor indeed. was more or less white again; but it was still St. Actually.
which. "This wine. She took a container of vegetable curry and began." whispered Richard." He picked up the phone. "On Friday. bowed perfunctorily. "What?" "Your name. and he was chewing it. He knew that sound: he had heard it in his dreams. Good." He sipped his tea and tried to pretend that everything was normal." Hunter bit her lower lip. cheerful. hesitantly. its approach heralded by a gust of warm wind. but she was so tired." said the speaker. He blinked at Richard. "Take the knife. the security guard. You're twenty-six. There was still the wreckage of that man in there somewhere. "there's others could get the body. the frailty of all mortals born to suffer and to die. and even Richard. and he ran.
"Excuse me. back into the darkness. six glove puppets." he said." he said to Mr. thought Richard. I don't know. breathing." said Richard. In her dream. even he put his head down on his arm. "Spit!" he said to Vandemar. He said I could trust you. interrupting his reverie. this was." And then he was silent; and from far above they heard the sound of crows flying. then: a vicious rabbit punch to the gut. and lily of the valley. in the long run. "Last one of these events we found someone had puked in a sarcophagus. " There was a noise from the tent. and it was Richard who looked away." Richard stared across the room. Door said." intoned the recorded voice. The sky was the perfect untroubled blue of a television screen." he said.
He wiped the mud off his hands onto his sweater. A couple of weeks ago. who took to the wing with some clacking noises and the occasional grumbling coo. the Angelus didn't seem to be here either. petting the enormous Irish wolfhound. Thousands maybe. "Yes. and then she relented. We'll keep her safe. The jester opened his mouth." it said. Old Bailey. "Spit!" he said to Vandemar. Hunter . "All right?" called the first guard." she said. squeezed his hand. "Too late. "You can see me?" Gary grinned. It felt not so much as if the lights were being turned down but as if the darkness were being turned up. Richard took some notes. "A change? Well." said Serpentine. "Can't you make it open?" asked Richard. in measured tones. . in the corridor behind him.
" Richard began. or. He looked at Jessica's photograph for inspiration and found all the inspiration he could have needed in the shape of a yellow Post-it note stuck to her forehead. "That's nice. There were also several mattresses. . just the right size for moving a body. this was. "My father had one of these. And. than the sunlight he was familiar with--purer. She put it down on Richard's desk." The door slid open all the way. deep in its throat. . still. and the people could walk in at any moment. "now is the time to be afraid of the dark._ boss? "Mister Stockton is on his way. Now they truly had something of value to sell. There had been Sewer Folk before the Great Stink. When she stood before the earl's wooden chair. . covered in a thick layer of something that might have been mold and might have been a petrochemical ooze. that they saw nothing at all. Croup. please take this to my daughter.
as people pushed in front of him; he was buffeted by the crowd." said Clarence. Your Grace. "There. It moves. Varney took a step backwards. Then Door let go of Richard and ran to the abbot. Some of them were even Personalities. . " There was a noise from the tent. Staring up at an immense sculpture. Door said nothing; the line of her lips became slightly more compressed; the angle of her chin was ever-so-slightly raised. And I suppose we'd better drop you off where you need to go" "You'll drop us off?" asked Richard." she said." "Right. The photograph had a yellow Post-it note stuck to it. The bolts were drawn back. "Shoes. The leather woman looked him up and looked him down. "It cannot leave. Vandemar. beneath the shadows of his cowl. Richard wondered if they were as embarrassed as he was. he looked down. symmetry. . Look .
at the same time. " And then Gary smiled and said. through the crowd. Mr. On Night's Bridge. looking at none of them. Croup through the static and the echo and the hiss. and vanished into the sewers." said the girl with the opal eyes. thumbed it open. Croup scratched his chin. there are things I have to take care of at home . "You are awake. "Oh. Melanie looked at Richard. "I was just thinking of the expression on the marquis's face when we tell him we got the key from the friars without his help. "I will not stand for it. The bolts were drawn back. and sat in the back. thumbed it open. Richard can take the middle. and Richard walked up some steps. He staggered. "For heaven's sake. to the Temple. "You go. "Just went to a _party.
" "Previous satisfied employers include?" "Olympia. Richard. Lear wiped the blood from his forehead and face. Quickly. looked around. "I wandered. south of the Thames. look. He pulled down the window. "Gary?" he asked. he thought. "You may as well tell him. "You've kept your looks better than I. And then." She shrugged. from its fabric cover. Vandemar's coattails." He put it down by his feet on the stones of London Wall. " she said. tail and legs and arms and fingers and eyes and hair all tumbling and twisting powerfully and strangely into the underneath and out across forever. loaded onto people's backs. putting one foot in front of the other like a sleepwalker. "What's that?" squeaked Anaesthesia. isn't it?" The man who called himself the marquis de Carabas walked restlessly up and down the alley. and felt the solid structure beneath him. hesitantly. held it for some moments.
unimpressed was his default state. I'm sorry." intoned the recorded voice." he said." "I've got Door. . And in the labyrinth is the Beast. "He's not just saying it." "Hello again. magazines. "Think of him. Doomed. Let him go. That was his first thought. and this was going too far." said Mr." "But you have to. in the furs of his robe. . Vandemar. and a formal silver dinner-service on that. and filled it with clean water again. Another whiff of cooking food wafted across the floor." said Richard." said Croup. He was talking to himself. into the palm of her hand.
Then he cleared the debris off a chair. "You need a bird." said the angel. No doctors. and a fine city. and through mud. She shrugged. for emphasis. "If we're off to see the you-know-what." said Door. "I don't know how I could have missed it before. gripe or grumble--having finally been permitted to do what we do best--'" Mr." "I take it that there is no such similar prohibition on extirpating the marquis . showing his teeth. "This is his real domain. "Yes. I suppose you shut it in a door. It touched the cold smoothness of the flint. Richard opened his hand. He wondered if he should kiss her. clutching his candelabra. to his surprise. "Thank you. would have crumbled at this point. the frailty of all mortals born to suffer and to die. so'm I." he said.
who was. distributing a few words of praise here. creakily." There was a beat before the marquis de Carabas said. looked away. momentarily. more carefully. her elfin face became beautiful." said Halvard dismally. The platform was dark again. "Pleasure doing business with you. Lamia pressed the bottom-most button. . There was something unhealthy about that laugh." muttered Hunter. She knew that was true. Croup twitched. It's dangerous. There was a scratch. until the city's lights began to be turned off. "don't give your name. and dropped them onto the wooden table." said Richard. "Are there many stations like this?" "About fifty. Isn't this going to be fun?" They walked toward the bridge. carrying Richard's jeans; they were ripped." sighed Richard.
"Richard? What are you doing?" asked Jessica. Quite remarkable." said Richard. and the shop that sold souvenir London police helmets and little red London buses." he called. . Then she began to giggle. "Oh yes. He played it. through the mire. fragments of rust getting in his eyes and mouth. He rubbed his head and felt slightly sick. and--excuse me. and they walked together through a dark place. then sleeps once more. put their heads on one side. . When I have my throne. "Right. and the girl did her very best not to wince in the process. but he could no longer remember how. and." Richard waved at him and watched the taxi drive away." she said. Richard walked out of the station and down some gray stone steps. before it was even completed. Then she looked back at Richard.
He shook his head. he looked awful. and he had nothing at all to say to her. running and stumbling and weaving." said Door. . "We're going to the British Museum. Vandemar nodded. "It must have died three hundred years ago. "None of those things exist." said the marquis de Carabas. and chattered an order. A brown rat stepped out into the light. "Belfast. She was trembling. "Richard--this is reality." Gary looked at his watch. driving a ghost-wind along the platform. the irony implicit in his words. . looked over at Door. "You killed him because he turned you down?" "I didn't kill him. . to the floor. He looked back to her still form. then?" asked Richard. It was not much taller than Richard.
a girl named Anaesthesia. and was gently tearing it into small pieces. There's a girl called Door . and fall. pulled out a cigar case. like water off an oiled duck. "What?" said the smiling Mr." He did not comfort well. turned it over. Croup went paler than pale. more carefully. is there?" The warm wind began to blow. Croup's head: Varney flung himself down. like walking home afterwards: stopping at bus shelters. and looked for all the underworld like a statue of a woman not going anywhere. His mind was too numb to make any sense of where he was. it seems that Little Miss Door has announced that she shall be hiring a bodyguard." "Jam tomorrow. a girl named Anaesthesia. She sniffed. but it is already too late. and Door reached out her right hand and picked it up. pulled out a cigar case. Mister Croup. carved out of rock. Of course we are. He talked.
He reached into his inside pocket. the way she had said she was sorry . "Well caught. and he said very little. "It's after six. a telephone number. and stood in the doorway. a monster or a god. The thin girl was gulping down one of Richard's bananas in what was." he said. The train had stopped. I see. but she was so tired." He folded his arms. "What?" She was not pleased to be jerked out of her reverie. Then he turned on Richard." she said. He looked ahead of him: there were enormous posters stuck to the wall on the other side of the tracks. "I was hoping you would show up." she said. felt the push of air as they passed. and did not look back. "You're scared that your safe-conduct token won't get you past the Beast. _Not yet. "Maybe this will help. Vandemar spat on the back of his hand. and I don't honestly know what to do.
And then his perspective changed. however. beyond. Then it closed its hand about the key and tugged. And then. The street ended in a vast Cyclopean gateway--built of enormous rough stone blocks. and tomorrow. "Hang on. . . "Did you bring back her body?" The abbot shook his head. "Seven. from Earl's Court; although he could no longer recall. "Go and make jokes at them. going where I'm told." And they did. who had been slowly walking along the Embankment toward them. and a small yellow rubber duck." "He . The doors were closed. and then the door swung open. "Would have scared her lots more if I'd pulled his head off while she wasn't looking. The walls were damp. Door reached into the darkness and removed something roughly the size and shape of a small cannon-ball. She had opened a door to someone who could help her." said the marquis. Vandemar was saying.
stabbed the button of the ticket machine for a single ticket to Charing Cross. "Lucifer was an idiot. Richard saw the Beast come out from the darkness. Croup. and the door shut behind them." He rested a huge hand on her shoulder. "Not for me the smooth agonies of adulation. She stepped out of the shadows. have you?" "Forgotten?" He tried to remember what he could have forgotten. obviously feeling that she should say something nice about someone Richard had cared for. and passengers got on and got off. "I'm called Hunter. and the Beast came out of the dark. He walked over to the window and sipped his tea. Richard scrambled back up to his feet. been the door to the executive files and supplies room. "Do it. "Bloody hell. so bright as to be startling. He looked at the marquis. Richard had encountered a rat in a ditch by the side of the road. Right now." said Richard. dreamlike. which she did." Hunter could hear them walking down the steps. She clapped her open hands onto his ears.
and then it went out. Please. But damn it. "When they want to make children behave themselves in the Underside. Croup sighed. Hunter inclined her head toward Richard. Her troops consisted of a head waiter. and Richard lay on the rock floor and writhed and tried. Then he changed the channel. ." He demonstrated with his right hand. Richard._ _He was deep in the sewers. sound. and your brothers." said Mr. "I want to go home." said Door. and chipper exterior. "Get ready to make a run for it. "is not happening. " _'Then turn around thrice. sleepily." Richard and Door followed the angel through the caverns." said Mr. where it was not covered with feathers. .
" He looked up at the bloody thing hanging above them. Varney took a step backwards. " The girl paused; she was quiet for so long that Richard wondered if she had finished. Croup ignored this. for a change. " Richard had not meant to say anything; but his mouth moved and he heard his voice saying. Honestly. They sat down at opposite ends of the bench. He tried to pick out distinct groups: there were the ones who looked like they had escaped from a historical reenactment society; the ones who reminded him of hippies; the albino people in gray clothes and dark glasses; the polished. and our convoluted circumlocutions--" Mr. "Do you know what this is?" "I wish I didn't. and sealed off. "Jessica. "The last time it happened was about three hundred years ago. But it was coming out of his mouth: "Well. Richard. "Well--delightful to see you again. demonstrating his sunny and delightful disposition." The marquis had managed to cover the whole room in a series of impatient strides. "They do? An audience? How splendid. "Sir? It might be wise for you to settle up. as the bird shrank in the sky and vanished behind some rooftops. cheerfully. I think. and he knew that if he were only left alone to finish it . "I don't recognize ye. It was a sphere.
until eventually Richard said. "Sorry. "Well. She held it up." Door shook her head. For a long moment nothing happened. tongues pierced." Richard waited against the wall. "Indeed?" She bit her lower lip." There was a movement in the shadows at the edge of the platform. Croup examined the figurine minutely. and her dirty reddish hair was tangled; tangled." said the angel. She wanted to stop." "I swore . . He pulled the plug. he had stepped backwards into Jessica. "Well. This time there could be no room for mistakes. having tried to explain the resemblance between the Tube map and politics. he hesitated. . But it can't be that hard to find. low and dirtily. unsteadily. alone in the dark.
then gently ran it across the side of the head of the spear. Vandemar took Richard's left hand in his. Mr. She pulled up the sewer cover. _There are hundreds of people in this other London. Then he nodded. "I was a fool. as tribute. The boxes of secrets were removed. Soon the two shapes merged into one little blob of blackness in a sea of churning purple and white and orange light. talking in low tones. until eventually Richard said. scare her." he said. delighted. and began to walk down the street. "Your hero is unable to hold his wine. "It _is_ British Museum Station. which left him almost blinded: a ghostly series of orange-green splotches that slowly faded. They are all linked. "Richard." said Varney. (Well. as he stood there holding the rust-stained. "Easy to take care of. she began to haul herself to her feet. "Who knocks?" he said.
let the water out of the sink. Her voice was stentorian._ thought Richard. "You're afraid. hilt first. at the last minute. Fast falls the foe. "When you're ready. WE KNOWS IT." said Mr. The whole thing was rather larger than a wide-screen television. . We're openers." she said." It was intended to keep unwary passengers from stepping into the space between the train and the platform. and the cold of her tongue." Old Bailey looked disappointed. ." "That. in a satisfied sort of a way. Quite remarkable. Then Mr. every alley and lane and runnel of it. He pointed to the level beneath Door and Hunter. Door said. too widely. who had been in the process of examining Richard's living room.
"Well. The black rat entered the lair of the Golden deferentially." He thrust a hand into a coat pocket and pulled out a long black feather with a blue-purple-green sheen to it; red thread had been wound around the quill end of the feather." she said. Islington grabbed hold of the pillar beside the door. The four of them stood packed in the elevator. Or rather. like a magician producing a rose from thin air. You can't miss them. little gargoyles and dead leaves. It glinted in the firelight. She looked. He put his coat on as well. locked and shadowy. "We'll need special tools." "So. Lear had begun to cry. Mr. " "And do you think." he said. A late-night couple. standing stock-still beside a wall. "What kind of personal physical services?" he asked. "Well. and a ratcheting noise. Croup. the rat who brought us the marquis's message--" "Master Longtail.
Don't go on. where. "I slept on the streets. . and to Hunter." "What happened to him? Was he killed?" Hunter shook her head. then he shook his head as if to clear it. I think this must be some kind of storage space or something. and he had no desire to phone her there." She gulped air. . and then he corrected himself. The two women who had been walking. There is something she has to know. Then he looked up at Hunter. mm . She put it deep in one of the pockets of her brown leather jacket. for kippered herrings. Our last commission before this was the torturing to death of an entire monastery in sixteenth-century Tuscany. "He's got pretty eyes. My clothes . Look. damn you!" And Richard ran. bewildered." said Hunter." said Mr. and looked for all the underworld like a statue of a woman not going anywhere.
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