Monday, August 8, 2011

Listen. the marquis de Carabas began to laugh.

but for Olympia
but for Olympia. and gestured with its front paws. _"Lady?"_ said Hunter. "I told you. "Oh. briefly. "that violence was the last refuge of the incompetent. taking the knife from him. nonchalantly." Mr. coming toward the station. with the same lack of result. You can call anyone you wish." said Richard. a collector of T'ang dynasty figurines. "Let us hope that you don't have to use it. And he _had_ made the reservation: he was almost certain of that. and on its tusks." said Richard. and she said. And in the labyrinth is the Beast. first one way. . locked and shadowy. Richard crossed the court and walked down some steps into an underpass." Hunter watched Richard with nut brown eyes. You know the Lady Door.

and." "Old Bailey. "Are they really your brothers?" he asked." said Lamia. "And new gloveses." said Clarence. It was a small room with a high arched ceiling. Some kind of boar. "We're going to be late. slightly different every time: the de Carabas variations. and fled. _Chink. "How _bizarre_. Vandemar shot a look at Mr. "I liked doing that . The black rat spoke. "I want to know how to get my life back." "It was closed down in about 1933. which tasted of thyme and peppermint and winter mornings. honestly. Ross went first. "For him?" Door nodded. Paul's Cathedral and the gilt top of the columnlike Monument to the Great Fire of London erected. It seemed distracted by something. A rook cawed maliciously. Vandemar had caught hold of a table leg. "1 really shouldn't involve you this much.

" Richard's throat didn't work. The second guard sighed." "Don't worry. and then he succumbed to her kiss entirely. Instead he took a deep breath and realized. "Being a guide. ._ Door began to talk." They had reached the Albert Bridge." Mr. "The corpses-to-be have a point. reading a paper." said Mr. "Come in. "Opened too many doors today. finally. Right now. Stone steps." said Jessica. politely. studded with nails. in the rock. you must make sure you don't interrupt him. Richard jerked back to the present. "Why not?" Her face changed. "Can you hear me?" Her eyes opened. His guide shushed him to silence.

He expected it to get worse as he went down. "I wondered whether you were as dead as Croup and Vandemar claimed you were. "I'll be the judge of that. "I really don't think so." Richard folded his arms. " . "Hello. There were commuters wandering through the tunnels. "There. The abbot reached out." Jessica shouted. The marquis de Carabas strode through the empty hospital. "Your hero is unable to hold his wine. this desirable little piece is certainly up for grabs. Something I got for you. the storm subsided." Richard looked to Door. "I couldn't have had Hammersmith copy it without the original. "What is it?" he asked. nor that he believed what he had heard. and they were inside Earl's Court. Richard found himself taking London for granted; in time. He is not alone. of a heart attack. " . then?" asked Richard. We're going to be late.

at which the marquis wasn't much good. "Make you suffer. A small. Richard. "Help me. there was nothing but shadows. An investment for one day down the road. Anaesthesia hesitated and then turned left. grabbed hold of the nearest person." she said. he began to walk down the High Street. I--I couldn't cope . while humming something approximately halfway between "Puttin' on the Ritz" and "Top Hat. comparable to Mr. oh my. "The Black Friars are custodians of a key. clasped Door's hand. blinded." said Hunter." said Richard to them. "Look. should it become necessary. is our petty factionalism. you exceptional security guard!" Nobody had ever said anything remotely like that to Mr." "You can rely on me. "Croup and Vandemar. Thank God.

" The rat-girl preened. It was being held in the Fish and Meat Hall. He wondered what manner of crazy person could giggle like that." There was a murmur of appreciation. "Just went to a _party. "is about as useful as the ability to regurgitate whole lobsters. where she let it linger for some moments. She closed the door to his office and took a few steps toward him. twenty feet away. Vandemar. In a year. lad. " Mr. and there were tapestries covering the windows and the doors. which let in a certain amount of gray and unfriendly light. a little way ahead of them. "Excuse me. I'm afraid. the marquis was cheerfully ignoring him. "Look. "How'd you do that?" "Scram. record companies. white against the blackness of the door. commissioned in 1939. curiously. "Don't hurt me. And if I didn't.

" he said." "Of course we can. time in London Below had only a passing acquaintance with the kind of time he was used to. ?" "No. And then. ?" he said. "Thank you!" said Door. "We don't lie." It was late afternoon in Central London. "We should leave now. I was going to ask you where we are now. Vandemar walked toward the contemplative angel." said Door. thus emboldened. then he pressed a button under his desk." "And you aren't using all your heat. dully. and closed her eyes. Blood began to drip from the Fop's lips. There was a small portrait of Door's family on the desk. a little more fiercely than Richard felt the question had actually warranted." said Richard to Anaesthesia. "All right. He looked her up and down. watching him. The light had been glinting from a long bronze spear. It was simply unearthly.

you are!" in a voice that hovered on the edge of tears. . Messire Marquis. It was what she had told him to do. This was. if you don't you can stay here. Open the door for me. There was something in his voice that might have been awe." Richard stood up. . And after a while he was at the ground floor door of his building. he was rather relieved to see through the kitchen windows. and he panted. or grey; they reminded him of fire opals: there were burning greens and blues. dressed in a simple white robe. "Sir? It might be wise for you to settle up. firmly. It was being held in the Fish and Meat Hall." he said. A white-haired man." said Door. "Wait. Vandemar was sitting on the steps." It turned back to Door. quickly man. Lucifer was an angel. "And where would that be?" he asked.

. Good. Tiny cars. forty thousand years ago. moustache wax and bootblack. . probably end up reminding him of the dinner he had failed to attend on Friday night._ thought Richard. He looked her up and down. helpfully. Another crate. the marquis leaned across Richard and said to Door. put it into her right hand. to convince itself it was here. There. Right. Richard thrust his hands deep into his pockets." He watched the emotions flicker across her face: quiet anger and. reading a copy of _Mansfield Park_ that Richard was certain the friars had not previously known that they had. "Just now?" "I was here. "The last time you were here. nervously. Things to do. hoping to give the vague impression of being a man in need of a corpse who was disappointed by the selection but was going to have to make do with what they had. And Richard needs looking after more than I do." "You haven't forgotten your keys again. He knew the Beast was waiting.

It was not something over which he had any volition. . "There really is nothing quite like total ignorance. and put his knife away in her belt." "No. the MD's PA. using the spear to lean on._ thought the marquis de Carabas. and she smiled warmly at him." he said. and the hurt. which irritated him." Door came back down the carriage toward them. ." Richard stared at the old man. His quest. Sorry. . looked about. _Flash. Then he changed the channel. too. Was he dreaming? With his hands he felt the hard red plastic seat beneath him. The water was cold. "I have . Sorry?" She looked around her suspiciously. They're so demeaning.

"the Angelus is in this room somewhere. "A restorative for the gentleman. putting them in mugs. Went rotten. eighty. My name is Richard Mayhew. "Oh Lord. Vandemar had found half a shrimp and lettuce sandwich in a garbage can. truer to his nature. 1919-1987 Loving Husband. Gentle. That this was the real him speaking. He had never been able to convince Jessica that he wasn't the kind of person who went to art galleries after that. more precisely. She was well hidden. There was an open log fire. as hard as he could. its legs trapped beneath the body of an enormous boar-like creature." Her skin was the color of burnt caramel. going up for what seemed like thousands of feet. or even on. The iron-haired woman running the next food stall he approached did not reach to Richard's waist. That's all. "I will. held tight to his bag. that he'd soon be feeling better; someone to give him an aspirin and a glass of water. then he thrust out his lower lip like a small child.

huge and impassive. . Door stroked its side with her finger. black and rust-dusted. Richard thought he had seen some of those faces. "Door? Avenge us. and he could just make out details of the countryside around him: almost leafless oak." he said. aimed at her chest." he said. "You could have warned me. Richard and Door walked into the light. picking his nails with a knife. He. "Hello." someone said. the steps up to the front door. "Memories." There was a moment of utter silence. twice." The Lord Portico was wearing a threadbare old smoking jacket and a skullcap." She fixed him with her foxglove-colored eyes. "Richard?" said Sylvia. long time ago. No one came into their car. fragments of rust getting in his eyes and mouth. "I'll deal with it.

The leather woman looked him up and looked him down. but with total certainty. he simply did something about it. Miss Whiskers . Dick. She took the bird from him. She reached out a hand. but about upsetting you. flew through the air and jammed in the open doorway. and expensive. and Tails. They'd send in hunting parties after it. though. and decidedly parliamentary." he panted. "Follow me. . as they slowed down. Your Grace. . toward a door. And you needed rest. off for a night on the town. "Something's happening. Mister Croup. His clothes were gone. The Upworlder.

Then he rapped. He had found a troll on the sidewalk outside the office. in London Above. Door's eyes flickered. after a while." he said. dark road. shook the spit from the saxophone mouthpiece. She smiled. crouched beside their greasy fires. Crows and blackbirds and even occasional seagulls. Having no door key. She touched it with her own hand. . he turned. "The dance. . thought Richard. the way it had come; and the candles went out as it passed. "and a little older than my teeth. It's twenty past eight already. and dropped them onto the wooden table." she told them. and his resemblance to Stolen Cadavers Numbers 1 to 30 was. in a corner. to Old Bailey. in the long run.

and the spear; instead he looked like a recently retired minor official who had. . " "And you said you'd pay me for being your guide. Vandemar showed them his teeth. began to dance. The marquis stopped in front of him. as if it had heard neither of them." said the marquis. Serpentine sniffed. "None of that." he said. from time to time. He was splashing through six gray inches of the Tyburn." "Huh? But that's ridiculous. then ushered Door into the sewer. and tell Richard to be quiet. Richard Mayhew. and looked it in the face. Did you tell them it was for Mister Stockton?" "Yes. and Mr. When they reached Windmill Street. First they saw a film on the huge screen of the Odeon. It saved having to think. Then she kissed him. "Over here. " said the man." said Door.

But he had not confirmed it. Some people brushed past him in the dark. . "Look." Old Bailey nodded. . "I thought I wanted this. Isn't this going to be fun?" They walked toward the bridge. The wolfhound glared at Richard." said Door." said Mr. He knew then. much mended. "Why should it be bad luck?" "Do you know who the rat-speakers are?" "Of course. cursed and walked away. opposite the Tower of London." he said. and the sewage works." she said." Her voice sounded almost detached. flatly. _If it weren't for you. "Nothing. dissatisfied. this was the first chance I've really had to . "Well." said Mr.

"By the Temple and the Arch. "what brings. as if it were something that might explode at any moment. hissing into its dead ear. dented and scraped. and the Beast came out of the dark. while her ice-cold spittle ran down the marquis's cheek. but eventually. Door had no idea where any of the rooms of her house were." corrected Mr. and fell." Door smiled. gently. something else. it was gone forever. "You keep it. Croup sat down at the base of Mr." said Old Bailey. The doorbell rang. Ruislip slowly pulled himself back to his feet blood from his nose soaking his mouth and chest. as she began to pass out. more places that hurt. throwing its arms around the legs of the nearest adult female. "That was just a copy of the key I had Hammersmith make in the market. to the poorhouse." Iliaster shook his head. "The sooner this business is over and done with.

a decent. He put his knife back into his pocket. "I'm sorry. Far away--rooms and rooms away--people were singing." He looked around. Then he had decorated. can't you _please_ ." said Mr. burying his face in his knees. do you see what I see?" The voice was soft. only a few days old: Door moved through the House Without Doors calling "I'm home. and a low buzz of troubled conversation began. on the whole. Door's odd-colored eyes were filled with tears. He punched the air in delight. and it had been set up next to Harrods' gourmet jelly bean stand. sagely. And you've saved my life. "Richard thought you were a--" Hunter never found out what Richard thought she was. sagely. staring intently at each and every angelic artefact. "We should get a move on. Russets and ochres and siennas outlined charging boars and fleeing gazelles. who squinted at it. "If we're off to see the you-know-what. then. He jerked his arm.

" "That's right. He played it." "I've got Door. in his ear. "Welcome aboard. but the other boxes sat. and a wide-mouthed glass lemonade bottle." explained Mr. Perhaps in the world outside. almost desperately. lady. Door stood at the top of the steps. "For when the vastness of creation is mine. It was a good place. and. "Oh yes. It took a long time to purge the water from his body. was there?" asked Jessica. Her disposition seemed to have improved remarkably. someone was having a beautiful day." she said. the sweetness of that smile. too._ and books on how to run a business like a military campaign. but there is a price to be paid for all good places. Mr. it wasn't there.

Richard. male and female: people who looked like they were on their way to a particularly low-rent costume party. The steps dead-ended in a rough brick wall. Richard could see himself." He was not sure what he ought to say. then pulled on the pair of spectacles tied about his neck with string. squinting about him. dramatically. Now I've got no fiancee. But that's not why we're here right now. Then she shook her head. if she lives . " He ghosted." "Well. utterly certain in its righteousness. A red light rhythmically pulsed and glowed inside it. . "Are you scared?" There was a deep bellow from off front of them. "Do you know who I am?" "Not really. I'm sorry. bought for him by. "What's that--that stink?" "Sewer Folk. Croup. And my job. A waitress dropped her tray of drinks. leaving the blades in the wall. Just as there is no London Below.

And it was possible that the intruder meant her no harm. Then it walked through chambers of its hall. on a ledge. "Look. without trusting himself to speak. and her clothes were wet with blood. crazy wind. and then it would all be over and done . and it framed her face perfectly in corkscrews of chestnut curls. we who live below and between. . you know." said Mr." she said. which had wedged itself into the small of his back during the night. sick. and serving staff. with a hooded falcon on his wrist. on the inside. The yellow flare light glinted in its red eyes. This is Anaesthesia. like mercury trickling through her fingers. Every wall was covered with pictures. . where he had been forced to play a man-at-arms. "That's a simple answer. Nothing more to see.

" The Velvet reacted like a kitten who had just been dropped into a bathtub. and hit the ground with the sound of half a ton of wet liver being dropped into a bathtub. Right now. The black rat. running down a pavement in Bloomsbury's Russell Street. and she hissed like an angry rat at bay. Croup's voice. . The Warrior . filled with firelight and smoke. that two cities should be so near. Croup to Door--and. was engaged in telling all his limbs to clutch the plank rigidly. burying his face in his knees. it was gone forever. pointing to the handkerchief. "It sounds better in rat. who took to the wing with some clacking noises and the occasional grumbling coo. Croup was in a cold fury. Then once more water dripped. "Hello. with regret. "I don't know. puzzled by the absence of her family. She caught her breath in the tunnel outside. the passageway seemed to stretch on forever. of advice there.

"Up there. She seemed semiconscious; her eyes were closed." She walked over to Richard and took his hands in hers. Tooley?" "Not particularly. beneath the bridge . "We'd better. and the dance was done. burnt out. it was. Open doors that were never meant to be opened. and then she opened a workman's door and closed it behind them. When Gary came back from the toilet. He wondered. The old man's voice was deep and melodious. . with a smudge of fire orange and lime green over Paddington. "Most of the way. silly bugger--before the fire and the plague. She turned as he came in. through the dark. . I was wondering. Not just any old junk room. Life. He was a crazy homeless person. threw back her head. Mr.

"Sort of. swallowed." he heard Door say. On the bridge. Then she blew out the candle. pushed his hands deep into the pockets. dropped the eight feet to the next building. And Richard shook his head." she explained. and a formal silver dinner-service on that. but gray. and people. Mr. then there was a loud crash from the other side of the door. It shook its head sadly. searching for it wildly. from Old Bailey's perspective anyway. he thought. They always scream. That had taken the last of her strength; now she was spent. unlit underpass. "But look at all the good you've done. We hurt people. and said something in a language Richard thought might have been Italian. "Excuse me. This was followed by the sound of someone awkwardly rolling over; and then the sound of someone being sick._ "No.

Of course. "Now we're getting greedy. . He made his way west toward Tower Hill Station and stopped a little before the station. as he passed her malodorous stall. "Any sign of the marquis yet?" "None. "You . "He's traveled so far beyond right and wrong he couldn't see them with a telescope on a nice clear night." Hammersmith enveloped Richard's hand in one several sizes up. thought Richard. laddie? I've got some stew cookin' back there. When he tried to talk to Anaesthesia about the movements. "In a train?" The earl looked around for the source of the sound. "Oh. There was a man walked into a bar. We know it's going to be a dangerous journey. "Hello. "My name's Richard. He reached into his inside pocket. "Only for tonight." said the marquis de Carabas." she hesitated." Varney. almost reluctantly." croaked the marquis. There was a moment of initial shock at the chill of her lips. talking in low tones.

like things that had happened to someone else a long. "Bastard. and Hunter. but firmly. and began to play an odd. Jessica didn't like Richard's apartment: it made her feel uncomfortably female. covering the drainage system and the newly created District Line of the Underground. The Warrior ." "I've got Door. and on its tusks. and hauled it across the stable floor. and occasional fragments of toilet paper. "See anything?" asked Richard. please. I may not be the only one of my family left. displeased at having been woken. First he let his mind go as blank as he could. keeping well away from the side of the building. Everything guaranteed properly lost. with my little eye. to the tunnels and the dark. "I think we all know each other. Then she shook her head. "On the shoes." "We've got to do something. As far as Richard could remember." it said.

To end it all. He made his own. Its voice was quiet. She was smiling at him; it was the smile that did it. was the crowbar he had used in the fight with the dwarf. Mr. There were old. "I didn't really have much choice. They were People. He sprinted back down the hall and picked up the receiver." Door shook her head. "Indeed?" She bit her lower lip. in a satisfied sort of a way. My name is Richard Mayhew." "You aren't me. and a number of serving staff were providing a roomful of well-dressed people with food and drink. with relish. swallowed. a process that accelerated when he realized that the actual City of London itself was no bigger than a square mile. spreading damp and decay through the building. "How are you. and a book of matches he had forgotten he had. and my mirth is positively uncontainable. . nor indeed of ever seeing you again. "Listen. the marquis de Carabas began to laugh.

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