Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More than 200 million people in France to protest pension reform

More than 200 million people in France to protest pension reform

To protest against French pension reform bill introduced by the Government, the French major trade unions, held on the 7th general strike of public sector employees, and took to the streets a grand demonstration. This is known as France in the largest demonstration in recent years, Japan, 1 / 4 of the French civil service to respond to the call to strike, Sarkozy expressed dissatisfaction with government policies and opposition to this reform bill.
Union said a total of 114 games in France demonstrations, with over 200 million people took to the streets, and to the maximum size of the capital Paris, the number reached 270,000. The French police estimated that 45 million people in France took to the streets.
Colorful demonstrations
In Paris, on the 7th afternoon, tens of thousands of parade participants will begin to Republic Square from all directions to Paris, the parade assembly point of origin, leading to the square of the crowded subway station, is almost impossible to turn around.
Paris's Republic Square, where is the sea of people, eyes full of colorful colorful promotional banners, balloons and leaflets. According to reports, the marchers to participate in mainly middle-aged salary earners.
According to the scene, a French volunteers distributed leaflets and told reporters, because many people, the procession had to keep pace from the two blocks separately, embarked on the Bastille.
Marchers dissatisfaction "reform take only the poor cut"
Paris march composed by the name of the union of many side team. They held up "work more, pay less", "We retired officers and employees do not pay for the banker," "give everyone a pension to 62 years of age do not work" and other slogans, shouting slogans all the way, slowly forward, along the way to attract large audiences.
A distribution to reporters that read, "I participate in class struggle" on the middle-aged woman sticker said: "I came to march as a protest against the Sarkozy government policies that widened the gap between the rich and the poor"; other Henry, a middle-aged drivers called in an interview said: "Sarkozy came to power, and the public too harsh on workers in particular. lead to the rich richer and the poor poorer."
French trade union representatives and government salaried class game, in addition to requirements for special types of work and heavy manual workers to give preferential treatment to their legal retirement age in advance, also requires employers and financial institutions to share more of the pension fund.
"War" spread to the Parliament
7 happens to be the first to submit pension reform bills discussed the day of the French National Assembly. While large-scale protests in the streets, the French National Assembly is full of gunpowder. Several left-wing members leave the seat, the signing of their joint opposition to pension reform and submissions to government officials in the front, once the situation out of control, leading to the Speaker had to adjourn the Council.
Despite rising opposition inside and outside the French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said the reform is still appropriate and inevitable. According to the French ruling party UMP, senior sources, Sarkozy himself to the reform is still "a firm stand."
As the financial crisis and the aging of the population increase and other factors, the French pension fund deficit has doubled the national treasury. French government had to reform the retirement system, proposed to be eligible for pension age increased from the current 60-year-old to 62 years old, receive full retirement age from 65 years to 67 years.
However, according to analysis, as opposed to the reform momentum is too large, the French government may be made in favor of wage earnings of a little compromise.

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